

Friday, July 29, 2011

I love my Poppyseed!

Do you think it will fit?
That's a little coming home bonnet I crocheted just for her
I'm so excited to meet my little girl. With Mr Baker away at Scouts camp I had plenty of time to wish she was already here to have fun girl time with. My mom and I always had good fun together when it was just the two of us while Dad and the boys went off to camp for the week. Even though she'll only be nine months old next year when Mr Baker goes off to camp I fully plan on implementing girls nights with her. She'll be able to share some bites of frozen yogurt with me at twizlberry, and I can paint her toe nails while she naps, or take her to the swimming pool with me, or walks in the park--- but when she can start eating solid foods that's when the real fun will start!--our whole menu of ladies-night treats will explode. I've also enjoyed planning other things for her. I have fond memories of my mom reading "Little House in the Big Woods" while we were sitting in the car at the hospital waiting for my dad's mother, Nana, to come out from physical therapy. Mom and I read a lot of Little House books (including the expanded series) --this is something my brothers never showed much interest in btw. We often planned on doing a little pilgrimage to some of the Little House sites, but perhaps we'll be able to do that with Poppyseed when she's older. I also have been trying to get in the habit of singing some primary songs while doing housework. Why? Because I remember my first day in primary. I remember sitting there during singing time while everyone else was singing and I didn't know the words so I just mouthed at every song. I remember feeling very sheepish about it so maybe if I sing some of the more well known ones around Poppyseed she'll at least know a few. I like this little number a whole lot:
A smile is like the sunshine;
It brightens up the day.
It gives the eye a twinkle----
and chases clouds away.
I think we'll save ones like "A Child's Prayer" for Senior Primary days, the Junior Primary songs can be so much fun. But then again I always enjoyed when I could babysit a baby under the age of two and I could sit in a rocker and sing the more melodic primary songs to them and rock them to sleep--I hope that's something I can find time to do with my little ones. Even when babysitting bigger kids like my old apartment managers-- those guys were 6,4,and 2--I still sang to them and they loved it. I let them choose 2-3 songs and then kissed them good night. I sincerely hope that that is something that becomes a tradition for my kids and that despite all the tiredness and exhausted nerves my kids can count on at least one lullaby from their mother before bed--or perhaps we'll do it as a family and sing to the youngest, I don't know, we'll just find what's right for us, but singing a song together as a family before family prayer might be the thing--we'll see
I don't want to be one of those parents that "makes plans for their kids" such as trying to mold them into doctors or athletes, but I do hope that they have an appreciation for music in their lives. I'll be thrilled if one of them has the talent and passion to pursue an instrument or vocal but I won't get my hopes up on that. However, having a child sit by me and be just as thrilled with a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet as I did with my Oma would truly be a delight to me.

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