

Monday, January 7, 2013

Making Life Easy-Peasy-Lemon-Squeezy!

You know what I love? ...autopilot, just set up a template and routine and go with it. It's efficient, consistent, and that which we do repeatedly becomes easier for us (Thank you Ralph Waldo Emerson)

So here is one of my autopilots : DINNER

Thankfully I was blessed with my mom's prowess in all things culinary--but not her passion for it. Sure I can whip up something delicious...doesn't mean I want to everyday, but I must. Moreover, I want to be the kind of wife and mother her family can depend on for appetizing, healthy, home cooked meals. SO here's the solution

Step 1: Each week has a meat
   1st week : Chicken
   2nd week : Pork
   3rd week : Beef
   4th week: Ham
   5th week: (hey what's in the fridge/freezer/pantry that we didn't use this month)

Step 2: Theme Nights
 Monday: Baked Potato bar
 Tuesday: Hispanic
 Wednesday: Leftovers
 Thursday: German (usually in a crockpot)
 Friday: PIZZA!
 Saturday: Soup
 Sunday: Asian (Mr. Baker cooks)

  Plug in the meat for the week and the theme for the day and find something that makes you WANT to cook it so you can devour it (this is essential to happily making dinner. It's like browsing a restaurant menu. You get excited to try this dish therefore you want to get in the kitchen and make it happen)

Step 4: Pick one day a week to do your main grocery shopping and do steps 1-3 before you go to the store. Write down the ingredients you'll need and VOILA, you're ready to go

Step 5: While at the store, stock up on your favorite canned/frozen veggies ---they're still healthier the most things and expedite the process of cooking a healthy dinner. While  dinner is cooking pick two veggies that compliment the main dish and make sure that half your plate is vegetables/

What about Breakfast? ...ask husband the night before : "What do you want for breakfast tomorrow hun?" ....typical response: "Cereal" (set table accordingly)

And lunch? Tomato soup and cheese toast
      Takes all of five minutes
       tomatoes are good for you

So there you have it, meal planning takes me no more than ten minutes once a week and when 4pm roles around each day and those "I have to make dinner and I don't know what to make, nor do I want to cook, I feel like Subway" moments are unheard of, because I've already plugged in auto-pilot